a tasty blend of 4 Chicago voices   

The secret behind this brew is four of Chicago's favorite cabaret singers bringing their vast repertoires together to enchant new audiences with the best of the American and European songbooks. The "Porteresque" Bradford Newquist and coquette Claudia Hommel are joined by debonair singer/pianist Bob Moreen and sultry singer/pianist Elizabeth Doyle to create a foursome of unique voices. With years of stagecraft and a sure way with an audience, Espresso is charming, disarming, witty, cosmopolitan and just-plain-down-to-earth.

Just in time for the holidays 2004:

Espresso – The Holiday Brew

From Java Jive to The Twelve Days AFTER Christmas , this is the season's greetings for friends and good company.

Love, Fables and Foibles

From the love race to the race track, this show features luscious four-part harmonies, sidekick duos, un peu d'amour from the Paris cabaret, American showtune classics and more. A show easy to fall in love with.

Postcards from a Trip Abroad

A whirlwind voyage of transatlantic songs includes American standards in their European editions and European songs as American classics. We'll visit with Edith Piaf, Marlene Dietrich, Dean Martin and Jacques Brel to name a few sources of inspiration. When we sing in French, Spanish, German, Italian (and English!), no Berlitz phrase books are necessary.

Name a composer or theme

We'll customize a show just for you!


For booking information:

Touring manager:

Claudia Hommel at Joëlle Productions:

773-509-9360 in Chicago or toll-free 888-590-9360


For national road tours, please contact
Brian Eastman at the Talent Center,
PO Box 23220, 4251 Hamilton Avenue, Cincinnati OH 45223.

513-541-1257 or 800-878-ACTS. Email: